Anxiety Tool with super powers

A previous post detailed the anxiety tracking features of Anxiety Tool Belt. Now for one of its super powers – the app can create a new anxiety tool or morph an existing one. Details below.

In this app, an anxiety tool is simply usage instructions for working through anxiety as it occurs. Several kinds of anxiety tool are included with the app.

If you are already familiar with the idea of an anxiety tool, then you can create your own in the Tools list. You assign a name, usage instructions and a color theme for the new tool. That’s it! Now the anxiety tool is in your Anxiety Tool Belt, and ready for action. Tool creation is an important super power because you can add a new tool that you learn from a therapist or self-help resource.

Want to morph an existing Tool? Select the Tool in the Tool list, and choose edit. You can edit the name, the usage instructions and a color theme. Again, that’s it! Now the morphed anxiety tool is in your Anxiety Tool Belt, and ready for action. Tool morphing is an important super power because, for example, you might decide that the usage instructions of a Tool need to be refined over time.