Category: Uncategorized

  • Treat anxiety by taking action

    Treat anxiety as it occurs with the help of Anxiety Tool Belt. Open the app on your iPhone Navigate to the Logs list, and press the Add button Then fill in the form. A previous post detailed the kinds of information you can track. Here is a brief recap: To begin, use the slider to…

  • Help anxiety by being prepared

    Help anxiety with Anxiety Tool Belt. A previous post detailed a super power of the app – the ability to create a new anxiety Tool or morph an existing one. These are good steps to refine your anxiety Tools. However even the most perfectly crafted Tool won’t help anxiety without some preparation. Here is a…

  • Anxiety Tool with super powers

    A previous post detailed the anxiety tracking features of Anxiety Tool Belt. Now for one of its super powers – the app can create a new anxiety tool or morph an existing one. Details below. In this app, an anxiety tool is simply usage instructions for working through anxiety as it occurs. Several kinds of…

  • Kinds of information you can track with Anxiety Tool Belt

    A Log is created as anxiety occurs. So there can be multiple Logs for one day. When you create a Log, five things are entered into the app. Level of anxiety when you start. Negative thoughts that underlie anxious feelings. The name of the Tool selected for this Log. Insights after following the usage instructions…

  • Use the Anxiety Tool Belt app to track anxiety symptoms

    As you create a new Log each time anxiety occurs, the Logs list will grow longer over time. The Logs are ordered from most recent to oldest. And each row in the list displays the level of anxiety before and after creating that Log. This feature makes it easy to review Logs. Just select a…

  • Anxiety Tool Belt

    Anxiety Tool Belt is an iPhone app that tracks symptoms and provides default tools for working through anxiety as it occurs. You can also add and edit tools. Feeling anxious? Start a new Log. It’s a simple process. After finishing, did the level of anxiety improve? If not try again. Maybe select a different Tool…