Help anxiety by being prepared

Help anxiety with Anxiety Tool Belt. A previous post detailed a super power of the app – the ability to create a new anxiety Tool or morph an existing one. These are good steps to refine your anxiety Tools. However even the most perfectly crafted Tool won’t help anxiety without some preparation.

Here is a real life example of a job in which preparation is crucial. Experienced builders know how to use their tools before they get to a job site. That is, they are prepared for action. Similarly, get familiar with the usage instructions for each of your anxiety Tools. That way you will be prepared to help anxiety as it occurs.

When you are not feeling anxious, start from the Tools list in Anxiety Tool Belt, and select a Tool to see its usage instructions. Read it a couple of times and imagine how it applies to a particular time that anxiety occurred in the recent past. Now you are prepared to take action!

The next post briefly summarizes what to do when you feel anxious and how to take action using Anxiety Tool Belt.