Kinds of information you can track with Anxiety Tool Belt

A Log is created as anxiety occurs. So there can be multiple Logs for one day. When you create a Log, five things are entered into the app.

  • Level of anxiety when you start.
  • Negative thoughts that underlie anxious feelings.
  • The name of the Tool selected for this Log.
  • Insights after following the usage instructions for the selected Tool.
  • Level of anxiety when finished.

The negative thoughts entry is free form text. You can enter anxiety symptoms, feelings and negative thoughts. Maybe a quick note can be made with more specific information about the selected tool. For example: I will do a 10 minute sitting meditation.

The Insights entry is also free form text. Although it is suggested that you focus on the Tool instructions, you can be creative. For example, an additional summary of overall progress can be helpful. Also putting this Log in context of larger picture of your anxiety might be helpful. It’s completely up to you, and you will know with time if your approach is working.